
Wednesday 11 May 2011

Post#174 Vandalia Dianella - Land of the Wreckers

At the Dianella Plaza bus stop on Alexander Drive there has been an epic struggle fought between the diligent destroyers of public amenities and the agents and servants of the Stirling City Council and SignAds. It may be concluded that the vandals have won a partial victory. The Council have replaced the multiply-smashed glass panels along the length of the bus shelter with a metal grill with small apertures. This can be understood as a process of natural selection whereby the stimulating entities (vandals) have persuaded the authorities to evolve their amenity in the direction of higher durability. The glass-encased illuminated advertising at one end of the shelter and the plain glass panel at the opposite end remain. The advertising panel currently bears the display shown in the photographs below:

I took them from various angles to get a good view of the whole image. I reckon the chance of this sign making any difference to the behaviour of the wreckers is nil. It does have some merit as an artistic concept. It now only remains to see whether the vandals will smash the glass covering it to make a piece of  the combination performance/installation type.


Anastasia F-B said...

I'm reminded of those little signs one sees on the back windows of cars, saying baby on board. Anyone driving on an open motorway and close enough to read this is beyond any reasonable persuasion.

Retarius said...

Well, I was wrong about the sign being vandalised; it survived to be replaced by one advertising the Commonwealth Bank. As to those "Baby On Board" signs; I don't know what they're meant to mean. Is it "Keep away from this vehicle!"? Or "Don't collide with me!"? And who ever thought of them?